Using Languages in Your Career

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Lab team
June 17, 2016
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Speaking more than one language is an extra extremely important and sought-after asset for many companies in the UK and abroad. Linguists often push their language abilities right down to the bottom of your CV, appearing just on the last line. As a result, these skills are often overlooked or ignored. Whether you are 100% bilingual, or whether you still have some areas to improve on, it's always worth putting these skills on your CV in a very obvious format.

Furthermore, it’s equally important to stress your language abilities to a potential employer in an interview because they are likely to open up a wide range of opportunities for you.So how do languages really open up your options? Firstly, speaking a second language shows that you're eager to learn and that you’re not scared of a challenge. It shows that you have the drive to learn something which many people struggle at, and it demonstrates your perseverance and interest in other cultures, people and your ability to adapt. As globalisation thrives, language skills are becoming increasingly sought after and employers find these skills increasingly impressive.

Additionally, speaking more than one language can show intelligence and open-mindedness - learning languages requires a lot of concentration and brainpower as it actually requires you to use certain parts of your brain that monolinguals don’t generally use. This is very attractive to employers and should definitely be highlighted and emphasised on your CV and in an interview. In fact, you must stress that not only do you know the language but also you are able deal with situations where people are speaking different languages, in a cultural and social sense.

Lastly, in order to learn language you need a considerable amount of perseverance, hard work, attention to detail and analysis. These are skills that are highly sought after in many jobs and that are quite difficult to come across in your average interviewee. You should also emphasise to your potential employer that not only can you speak to someone in his or her language, but also that this allows you to create a much deeper personal connection, something essential for business and client relationships.So give your language skills the credit they deserve on your CV and in an interview. Don’t let your interviewer forget that speaking a language is not just one skill but in fact several! You’ll prove to them that you strive for the best, which is what they want to see you do in your interview and throughout your career. You'll soon be receiving requests for fantastic opportunities, in the UK and abroad!